Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Talking into the Void: One Writer's Take on Things

Yep. That's me. Talking to the head. Oh, what the heck? Why not.

This is what marketing my books feels like to me. Tweet. Post on Facebook. Whine to my fellow author buddies.

The general consensus of opinion: we all feel as if we are shouting into a void. Better to find a stone head and whisper in its ear. Which I did.

I talk to many of my fellow writers on this matter, and I hear the versions of the same comments:

"If I spend all my time on Facebook or Twitter or whatever, when do I write and revise? Annoying as it is, I have to sleep, eat, shower, brush my teeth, and spend time with the folks I love."

"The whole idea of followers is a bit creepy. Don't they arrest folks for that?"

"I don't have a cool fortune to spend for professional help--if I did, it probably would go to a mental health professional to help me understand why I stick to this writing business."

Real comments, all of them.

Here's my take on things.

I love, love, love to write. If I spent all of my time watching, say, network news, I would have to pitch myself off a cliff (since there are few around my area, perhaps a tall building or a bridge).

I bring passion and YEARS of work to my writing.

I have developed the most amazing friendships imaginable, with people from all fields, levels of education, and social status.

When it comes down to it, writers are driven by a passion. We are miserable if we don't write.

So you'll find me busy at the laptop, creating characters and watching them take over. I am either writing or thinking about writing at least 90% of the time.

And talking into the ears of anyone and anything that might listen, even ones made of stone.

Rhett DeVane
Rhett's website


Lynne Bryant said...

I love this! You’re so right. It’s the passion for the work that drives us.

Jodi the Nole fan said...

Re your intro I'm no longer sure I believe that most ppl have redemptive qualities. The past few years have been really hard on my faith in humanity.